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Watch Unbroken 2014 Movie Online

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DirectorAngelina Jolie

Writer: Joel Coen and Ethan Coen

Genres: Biography, Drama and Sport

Releasing Date: 25 December 2014 (USA)

Stars: Jack O’Connell, Takamasa Ishihara, Domhnall Gleeson

Running Time: 2 Hour 17 Minutes

IMDb Rating: 7.2

Plot: American son of Italian immigrants, Louis Zamperini found in athletics his ransom but, as he prepares for his second Olympics, the outbreak of the Second World War forced him to enlist in aviation. Crashed into the Pacific Ocean with an American bomber, in 1943 Louis you save and manage to reach the coast after a difficult journey aboard a small boat adrift. Upon his arrival on an island in the hands of the Japanese will find waiting captivity in the hands of sadistic torturers. Watch Unbroken 2014 Movie Online for free with high quality prints. Watch Movie Streaming online from secure internet connections.